Evolv AI Blog

E-commerce and Retail (6)

Growing On-Demand Home Improvement Services—Which Metrics Matter?

3 min read

Growing On-Demand Home Improvement Services—Which Metrics Matter?

Like many subscriptions, on-demand home improvement services is a rapidly growing industry. With people spending more time at home in 2020, but...

Experimenting for CX Excellence: Emulating Netflix and Amazon's Growth Strategies

3 min read

Experimenting for CX Excellence: Emulating Netflix and Amazon's Growth Strategies

Companies including Amazon, Netflix and Uber are well known as global business leaders, not just in terms of revenue and profits generated, but also...

Gain Home Services Customers by Optimizing the Online Customer Experience (CX)

3 min read

Gain Home Services Customers by Optimizing the Online Customer Experience (CX)

It is estimated that the value of the ‘Global Online On-demand Home Services’ industry will exceed USD4.1Trillion by 2027 up from an estimated...

E-commerce Conversion Optimization is not Conversion Rate Optimization

3 min read

E-commerce Conversion Optimization is not Conversion Rate Optimization

Digital leaders are under pressure to demonstrate a return on investment (ROI) on their e-commerce optimization efforts. Quantifiable metrics are the...

Customer Experience Optimization Shouldn’t Be a Poker Game

2 min read

Customer Experience Optimization Shouldn’t Be a Poker Game

Poker is a competitive game of skill, strategy and chance which has made and lost fortunes for people throughout the ages. In many ways, customer...

Personalization and Customer Experience—Strategy vs Reality

3 min read

Personalization and Customer Experience—Strategy vs Reality

Today, if you get into a discussion about the top trends driving business growth; digital transformation, customer experience or personalization are...

How to Optimize the Customer Experience Successfully in 2021

3 min read

How to Optimize the Customer Experience Successfully in 2021

While the majority of sectors were impacted negatively by the pandemic in 2020, e-commerce volumes increased significantly. This continues to be one...

From Abandoned to Completed: How AI Experimentation Transforms E-commerce Sales

3 min read

From Abandoned to Completed: How AI Experimentation Transforms E-commerce Sales

E-commerce adoption skyrocketed in 2020 and online revenues soared, but this growth only tells half of the story. While the number of website users...

The E-Commerce Game Changer - Whole Customer Journey Optimization

3 min read

The E-Commerce Game Changer - Whole Customer Journey Optimization

Gone are the days of mapping out a linear customer journey. With omnichannel engagements and higher customer expectations, customer journey...

The Cookieless Revolution: Maximizing CX in a Post-Cookie Era

3 min read

The Cookieless Revolution: Maximizing CX in a Post-Cookie Era

There has been mixed reaction by many at the realization that by January 2022, website cookies will effectively be a thing of the past. It shouldn’t...

Experimentation for Revenue Growth: Driving Higher Average Order Values with Data-Backed Strategies

3 min read

Experimentation for Revenue Growth: Driving Higher Average Order Values with Data-Backed Strategies

A successful growth strategy in e-commerce has to go far beyond getting millions of visitors to a website or simply increasing conversions. It’s...

Small Steps, Big Wins: Harnessing Micro Conversions in E-commerce Optimization

3 min read

Small Steps, Big Wins: Harnessing Micro Conversions in E-commerce Optimization

If you look up best practices on e-commerce optimization, the first thing that is talked about is conversions. In other words: making sales or...

Experiment, Learn, Convert: Tactical Approaches to Nurturing Digital Users

3 min read

Experiment, Learn, Convert: Tactical Approaches to Nurturing Digital Users

60% of the world’s population has an internet connection and 66% has a mobile phone according to research by Kepios. In the United States, 42% of...

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