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Seasons Greetings from Michael Scharff

Seasons Greetings from Michael Scharff

Table of Contents

It feels surreal that it’s already the end of 2021—a year that’s flown by amid big challenges and expectations. We’ve expanded our teams in North America and Europe and have welcomed some fantastic talent in expert services, sales, marketing, and general & administrative. As we continue to grow, we remain committed to fulfill our vision to stay focused and improve our diversity, equality, and inclusion. 

If the past 2 years have shown us anything it’s the value of human connection and recognizing the benefits that diverse individuals can bring to the collective. We’re been challenged to learn new ways to show empathy and understanding. We also had to develop new means to embrace the interruptions that inevitably come with balancing family life and working from home—as the majority of our Evolv AI team continues to do.

We’ve been fortunate to return to several in-person events including AI Summit in London and CommerceNext in New York. In 2022, we hope to continue this trend and will be attending Smart Retail Tech in London on March 2 – 3 and Shoptalk in Las Vegas from March 27 – 30. If you are attending any of these events, we’d love to connect with you in person. We also have a number of other events lined up later in the year 

Balancing the pace of life and business seems to continue to speed up. The e-commerce space in particular has seen massive growth and has become even more competitive, highlighting the importance of finding ways to stay connected with prospects and customers. But it’s an exciting time, especially as increasingly more companies are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to help them experiment and personalize their digital experiences. We’re glad to be part of this growth and the digital transformation taking place across many industries. 

As we continue to navigate the unknowns of the ongoing pandemic and its impacts, creating better digital experiences for customers and finding ways to keep pace with change is likely to remain high on the business agenda. We believe that keeping the focal point on delivering value to both clients and their customers is key, as it always comes back to empowering people and creating connections that drive greater value. 

As we celebrate this holiday season I’d like to thank our clients, partners, and most of all the Evolv AI team for making 2021 a great year, despite all its challenges. I trust that we can all end the year stronger and wiser and look forward to 2022 with greater resilience and optimism. Happy Holidays!

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